Good morning, Madam Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen,  When we look to the brightly sky, there’s a brightly future, twinkle in the beautiful rainbow color it, and I believe, that  somebody can not loose the special moment like the  rainbow is erased  after the shining sun. Like our life, surely that somebody cannot loose the spectacular moments in their life, only for the wrong way that they did.

 Madam chairman, ladies and gentlemen,

Happy to be here to share together, about a little opinion from me, what a wonderful life and moments can we get, if we could place ourselves in the right circumstances and conditions. At this moment, people life and movements claim many mobile powers; also they will be exist in the young generation world. Obviously, the existences of students or young generations tend to do their own way of their future. And sometimes they do not realize that the way they choose, is a wrong way .The period of life need their thought and their bright brain, to run the whole operational works in this developing country. And, of course, this is not an easy way, like to see the rainbow after rain itself. But it needed the young generations who have the excellence and optimum result from their good studies. One extreme problem will be happened in their life is drugs abuse, which have got attack violently many victims in the young generations life.

 Madam chairman Ladies and gentlemen,

As long as the young generations can control their habits, tempers, health activities and also got many restrict teachings and spiritual knowledge, I believe that no one could be able as the drugs victims anymore.  But as we see and take look day by day, the victims of drugs abuse tend to rise up rapidly. The main reason of these statements that many of us could not realize what the factual and brief impact to our future by the drugs abuse.

Drugs abuse is not an uncommon case to be heard by the young generations. Beside, we know it from our educational institution, we know deeply in the widely media about it. The drugs itself are kind of anesthetic medicine which can make the consumer addictive. More than this drugs are danger medicine that can kill the user. It is also called forbidden medicine because the misuse of these drugs will cause a very bad impact for those who use it or even the death itself. So, drugs are really dangerous for our health and our life.

 As far by now, the research states that, most of the people who misuse the drugs as mention below namely:

1.      They have big problem and cannot solve it, so they want to run from their life problem. They thought that if they consume the drugs, they will forget the entire heavy problem in their life. Drugs will make them fly, happy, relax and forget all, not only in their body but also in their mind. They thought that drugs can solve their problem easily, but actually make them fell down into the deepest problem.

2.      They want to follow the life style of modern young generations. By consuming the drugs, many teenagers or young people feel that they tend to join the modern life style. But the misuse of drugs in accordance with this tendency, not only for the young people, but also for the adult, even in the business and educated generations itself.

 A big question mark comes up to us right now, what causes the teenagers and the young generations fall into the black world of drugs abuse ?,  We can see here is the lack of parents’ care and love. Many of parents are found to be busy by their own business with their jobs, their affairs. Then, they don not have any time to share with their family, especially the moment to their children, in contrary, their children need their parents’ time to hear their needs or to ask about their activities, mainly the teenagers hunger for their parents’ time. Generally, the young generations will take their own way to express their desire or their upset in the wrong way, like drugs. Slowly but sure, drugs has took a deep place in their hearth and they could not out of this problem, they have drown away by the flood of drugs abuse.Another reason is the condition supported the teenagers to consume the drugs; the home environment causes it, such as their parents consume the drugs. It means the family becomes a bad example for them; finally they try to do what the families do. 

The last reason here is the lack of spiritual education. As I stated before that the spiritual education is good shield to tackle the drug abuse in our life.

     Recently, our government work hard to erase the drug abuse by stopping the circulation of drugs trade in the young generations. Drugs transaction is a black trade and it becomes a crime cases.

Madam chairman, ladies and gentlemen,

How to avoid our young generations from the drugs abuse? There are many solutions that we have to do; firstly, SAY NO TO DRUGS should be applied in our life as a young generation. Drugs are cursed things and do not have part in your life. Secondly, think positively in your life. Try to involve in many positive activities or learning groups, expressing your talent in the right place and right time... Drugs give us nothing, only death, nothing promises from the “heaven medicine”. Drugs make the user live in a lie living, in the fantasy world that is why that the users of drugs are those who sometimes cannot face the reality of their life and how to overcome their problem. Above all, one important action to do is believe in God, that God will lead your way, May God bless us now and forever. Thank you.



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