School Cleaning


School Cleaning

 Ladies and Gentlement, All my dearest friends Good morning Environment is a part of our life. We do all our activities in our environment like working, studying, sleeping, resting or some other human activities. All those activities can run well, give us many good results, and benefit if we receive support from our well care environment. As a student, we face many kinds of environment condition. There are school environment, home environment, natural environment etc, that all of these cannot be separated from human needs.  The most important problem, in the environment, is taking about cleaning, that is a part of human life, especially for the students, in relating to the school cleaning. School is the educational board where students go there to study and learn several subjects from the teachers, so that they can have ability and get science and knowledge for their future. So, if we find our school is messy and dirty, we cannot study well. We will fee disturb with the dirty and messy of our school.  The school cleaning covers about classrooms that is included in it namely: the floor must be free from dirty dust and waste papers, chairs and desks, the windows and the doors, the blackboards and always has a wastebasket available in the classrooms. Schools terraces, teachers and headmaster’s office, library, laboratory, school yard, school garden and school canteen are important places in the school. Al the students and teachers must be paid heir attention to their cleaning. They are included in floor, wall, ventilation, bookcase; book shelves setting, sport facilities, school garden, school ditches and toilet’s facilities.

The most important elements in the school cleaning, namely the students ought to have the self-disciples in taking care of their school cleaning. It is the main duty for them to keep their school tidy, clean, comfort and nice. That is why we have to aware that we can live clean, health, free from disease and illness, if we want to live clean by starting from our school.

To advance our aware of school cleaning, here I tell you the matters below that we know as 3 H as follows are:

If we have known the three H above, we will know the next matters in three B, namely:


First B is Brain                     : it is the central part of human being. We will think and do everything by our brain.

Second B is Behavior         : It is the action and the implementations for what our brain think.

Third B is Beauty                : It is the performance and result that we think and do.


After we have known 3H and 3B, finally we will know the 3L, namely:

First L is Learn                    : to earn that school cleaning is important duties for all of us.

Second L is Love                 : to love that school cleaning is not only important that it is our desire.

Third L is Life                      : to learn and to love that school cleaning will support our good future life.


Thus, we must support our good and healthy life by participation in school cleaning, so that all of us have to do these three things, are:

First                                        : always keep our school clean, because cleaning is a part of our faith and cleaning is the beginning of our health.

Second                                   : Do not throw trash in anywhere.

Third                                      : The comfort and clean environment can protect us from the disease and illness spreading.


Ladies, Gentlemen, and all my dearest friends,

Let’s keep our school clean, tidy and comfort. We will study well, we can get a lot of science and knowledge and we will be a good student. Remember the 3H, the 3B and the 3L. Thank you very much, God bless us all.

First H is Head             : in our head, we have brain inside to think positively about Health, to keep our  body health, to keep our school clean and to see our best future. 

Second H is Hearth   : by our heart, we will feel awareness that health and clean is to very important   to be done.

Third H is Hand        : after we think by our head and feel by our hearth, we will do the school cleaning by our hand.


If we have known the three H above, we will know the next matters in three B, namely:

First B is Brain      : it is the central part of human being. We will think and do everything by our brain.

Second B is Behavior : It is the action and the implementations for what our brain think.

Third B is Beauty       : It is the performance and result that we think and do.


After we have known 3H and 3B, finally we will know the 3L, namely:

First L is Learn           : to earn that school cleaning is important duties for all of us.

Second L is Love        : to love that school cleaning is not only important that it is our desire.

Third L is Life            : to learn and to love that school cleaning will support our good future life.


Thus, we must support our good and healthy life by participation in school cleaning, so that all of us have to do these three things, are:

First                         : always keep our school clean, because cleaning is a part of our faith and cleaning is the beginning of our health.

Second                       : Do not throw trash in anywhere.

Third                         : The comfort and clean environment can protect us from the disease and illness spreading.


Ladies, Gentlemen, and all my dearest friends,

Let’s keep our school clean, tidy and comfort. We will study well, we can get a lot of science and knowledge and we will be a good student. Remember the 3H, the 3B and the 3L. Thank you very much, God bless us all.



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