Agree mempunyai arti yaitu “ Setuju

Di dalam bahasa inggris disagree mempunyai arti yaitu “ Tidak Setuju “


Expresions of agreement/ungkapan2 persetujuan

  • I think so
  • Exactly ,you are right ..
  • You are perfectly right ..
  • Absolutely , he is right ..
  • I am with you ..
  • No doubt about it ..
  • I could agree with you more ..

Expresions of disagreement/ungkapan2 ketidaksetujuan

  • I  am not sure about it..
  • I don’t think so..
  • I’d say the exact opposite..
  • that doesn’t make sense..
  • that’s ridiculous..
  • that’s absurd..
  • I think otherwise..
  • I am Sorry, that’s impossible..
  • Absolutely, no way ! .

Berikut adalah contoh kalimat menggunakan agree dan disagree :

  • They are agree with Mr. Roni. ( Mereka sependapat dengan tuan Roni ).
  • I think, if I don’t agree with you.( Aku fikir , jika aku tidak sependapat dengan anda ).
  • Exactly, we like the offers that you submit. ( Tepat sekali, kami suka penawaran yang anda ajukan ).
  • Of course I think the same like you. ( Tentu saja , aku berfikiran yang sama seperti anda ).
  • I think you’re wrong, I really agree with your opinion ( aku fikir anda salah , aku sangat setuju dengan pendapatnya ).
  • I think this soup is not delicious. ( aku rasa sup ini tida enak ).
  • I also think so. ( aku juga berfikir seperti itu ).

Contoh percakapan

Johan, Binsar and Atiqa are having a student organization meeting at school.

Johan : What are we going to do this semester?

Atiqa  : What if we create a charity program

Johan  : that’s a good idea. What can we do ?

Atiqa : how about holding a charity concert? We’ll hold a concert to raise money for the charity program.

Binsar : I don’t think that’s  a good idea. It will take a along time and it is tiring.

Johan : Why don’t we collect things for the orphans?

Binsar : that’s a good Idea.

Atiqa : I agree with you.


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